Why Social Media is Good for Business
In the last decade, social media has become integrated in people’s everyday lives, perhaps too integrated.
In the last decade, social media has become integrated in people’s everyday lives, perhaps too integrated.
Nothing sells the right first impression than a well-planned website. It exudes to clients or random visitors a feeling of professionalism and trustworthiness. It offers insights into a company’s heart and soul. It tells the story of a brand with visuals and words.
A website is a crucial tool for any business or organization that seeks success. And who doesn’t want that? It’s also something that evolves.
A few professors from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University gave Bobcat Promotions insight about their passion and experience within the PR field.
SAN MARCOS, Texas – Contests promoted through social media platforms are an excellent tactic to increase engagement and, ultimately, to drive customers to a business.
A strong social media presence is an essential tool for communicating with clients and customers. One of the biggest challenges in developing this strategy is choosing which platform is the best fit for your mission. Each site offers unique and distinguishable features and purposes. With social media, the marketplace and a good joke, everything relies on timing.
NEW YORK — Seeking to make a mark in the world capital of media, Bobcat Promotions (BPR), Texas State University’s student-run public relations firm, took its fourth annual trip to New York City this past January.
Drones, those pilotless remote-controlled aircrafts, have an array of uses including the filming of aerial footage, making it the perfect tool in our arsenal of content creation. While the purposes of use may be expanding, public opinion of drones continues to be narrow.
With one out of seven people in the world using social media, it’s no surprise that businesses are using social media. Their customers use social media 24/7 to seek information or shop online. It’s dynamic, popular and free. This blog highlights three dominant platforms, Facebook, twitter, and Instagram, as part of their digital strategy.